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All your plants in a glance

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Want to be able to see the growth and health of your plants anytime, anywhere?

Since GreenTech Amsterdam 2023, Corvus Drones has made it possible to see all your plants at a glance. With Corvus Maps, you always have control over your plants, wherever you are! So you can manage your time and resources more effectively.

Order our special GreenTech offer or read more about Corvus Maps!

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GreenTech Offer

At GreenTech Amsterdam 2023, professionals from around the world share the latest horticultural solutions. Our drone got even smarter as well! To celebrate, we are now offering our latest launches at a discount via a special GreenTech offer!

With our GreenTech offers you can see all your plants at a glance via our new web application. Or you can monitor your roses, high wire plants or hydroponic lettuce.  Our drone can also report germination, growth and flower readiness to you in no time. Order your application within 2 weeks after the exhibition to benefit from the discount.

This is how you monitor your crops remotely

Let our autonomous drone fly today and get your bay maps tomorrow in our web application. Take images every day or week with the digital eyes of our drone and track the growth and health of your plants.

  • Check growth anomalies
  • See fallen pots
  • Check for tip burn in hot weather
  • Detect plants that overshadow others

With the data the drone collects, you can also easily get started with using any of our other applications.

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