Logo Corvus Rose

Monitor your Roses


Improve your crop and labour planning

With our special GreenTech offer, you can now grow your roses more efficiently. By using our advanced drone technology, you can increase productivity and reduce labour-intensive tasks. Let our drone fly weekly and monitor the bud and flower stage of your roses. This way, you deliver exactly to retail specifications. Detecting mildew is also an option. This stops disease spreading as early as possible.

Order our special GreenTech offer or read more about Corvus Rose!

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GreenTech Offer

At GreenTech Amsterdam 2023, professionals from around the world share the latest horticultural solutions. Our drone got even smarter as well! To celebrate, we are now offering our latest launches at a discount via a special GreenTech offer!

With our GreenTech offers you can see all your plants at a glance via our new web application. Or you can monitor your roses, high wire plants or hydroponic lettuce.  Our drone can also report germination, growth and flower readiness to you in no time. Order your application within 2 weeks after the exhibition to benefit from the discount.

Discover the benefits of Corvus Rose

Enhanced Crop Monitoring

Our drone flies over your rose plants on a weekly basis, capturing high-quality images of the crop. These images are then processed using advanced AI algorithms to detect and classify each rose bud based on its specific growth stage.

Efficient Scheduling

The bud stages are conveniently displayed in an Excel spreadsheet, giving growers a clear overview of the optimal harvest time for each plant. This data enables you to plan your operations more efficiently and maximise yields.

Take advantage of our special GreenTech offer today and experience the benefits of Corvus Rose in your rose cultivation.